PHILADELPHIAPhiladelphia is the sixth-most populous U.S. city, with over 4,000,000 people in the metro area. Click Here PITTSBURGHThe Pittsburgh metropolitan area, also knows as the anchor of western Pennsylvania, has a population of 2,324,743. Click Here ALLENTOWNAs Pennsylvania’s third-most-populous city, Allentown has a total population of 121,442 and is the fasting growing major city in Pennsylvania. Click Here SCRANTONWith an estimated population of 76,653, Scranton is the largest city in northeastern Pennsylvania. Click Here BETHLEHEMBethlehem city has a population of 74,982, making it the seventh largest city in Pennsylvania. Click Here TARGET CITIES WE WILL REACH OUR STATE PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURGH SCRANTON BETHLEHEM ALLENTOWN Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *PhoneWhich City Are You Interested In? *PhiladelphiaPittsburghScrantonBethlehemAllentownCommentsSubmit